Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Sarbenes Oxley was designed to end the “I’m the CEO and I know nothing” defense | I CHING via Taoist Master HUA-CHING NI | THE BOOK OF CHANGES AND THE UNCHANGING TRUTH

[sidebar:  When the I CHING was first a "book" the writing says the TORTOISE SHELL was used as the ways-means for "DIVINATION", TO "DIVINE" THE "FUTURE", or to SEE how to have GREATER WISDOM in choosing choices that make the future VIBRATIONS "What It Is" (the Buddha said that " ")

http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2014/11/jp-morgan-criminal-investigation-foreign-exchange-trading-abuses.html  << As we’ve written repeatedly, deficiencies in controls offer a clean path to fines and even criminal indictments of executives under Sarbanes Oxley.

[sidebar continued: THE BOOK OF CHANGES is very old, however, in the "West" the book was rewritten, but of course.  The GERMAN rewrite is extremely ignorant.

Why does the AMERICAN choose to be ignorant?  When the "Sarbanes Oxley" is written about and then there are so many words in the American NEWS that get written and written and mostly the re-write is written.

NOT TO-DATE, addressing the tap-root rot.

Perhaps the time has arrived to find TORTOISE SHELLS in the USA education system and begin to act as if and therefore, become -- 21 Century, too.

?  .. to be continued ...]

1 comment:

  1. Americans are now in direct competition with China and Russia, best get educated or lose the reality the 21 Century has to offer!

    China and Russia, Americans are now in direct competition with, best get educated or lose the reality the 21 Century has to offer!
