Thursday, January 30, 2014

NSA and Disney Drone Cartoon Grooms Children for Total Big Brother and ‘Big Nanny’ Society, (Fascism Sold As Cartoon)

NSA and Disney Drone Cartoon Grooms Children for Total Big Brother and ‘Big Nanny’ Society

We’re sure that when adults glance over to see what their children are watching on TV or on the internet, they are not playing very close attention to the hard-core propaganda messaging baked into the productions.

[sidebar:  when the future gets sold this ugly, then the future is really gonna be ugly.  This so called 'cartoon' is a complete contamination of the spirit of art.  And the spirit of 'America' well to be sure the investors in SECURITY STATE FASCIST U$A, retire in the minds and hearts and soulless children of the future, too.]

.. to be continued ...

1 comment:

  1. RUDOLF STEINER. Now that was a TEACHER of CHILDREN. In the USA? DRUGS dumb down our mothers before the baby is born and then the experimentation is such that there isn't such a 'reality' anymore: Homo Sapiens and this is an intentional agenda via the MOST vile evil criminally insane of our species, SLOBS, BLOB, FRS.
