Wednesday, October 30, 2013

D.U.M.B.~E.R. Than Boxes Of Rocks & S.T.U.P.I.D.~E.R. Than a Ton of & !!: WHAT & HOW SOROS' Measures U.S.A.

Soros Paedophilia Practitioner Metzitzah b'peh?!
Soros' SOMA for "leaders'?!

WASHINGTON — Billionaire financier George Soros is joining forces with others urging Hillary Rodham Clinton to run for president in 2016, becoming the best-known Democratic donor to provide his money and name to the Ready for Hillary super PAC.

[SIDEBAR:  Buried in the NYT, ~

the story about China and the COSMIC REALITY ENEMA for the Zionists Zombified Zealots.  ITS' OVER for GEORGE SOROS and his ilk, thank the Tao, Buddha, Confucius and all the DIVINE IMMORTALS that were "Chinese" and PROMISED Never Again "HOLOCAUST #2" which is what Soros' Et Al are all about.  TIME TO TAKE OUT THE KITTY LITTER.  The so called 'belief' ZIONIST is what IT is and no amount of COSMETIC SURGERY can sell OVER THE HILL to the world earth after all the monster has done.  Go BITE a big snake of poisonous venom GEORGES now all with the ROYAL $HIT in mouths full, the gold already molten as CRASS in Rome and now!]

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