Sunday, July 28, 2013


It’s time for human beings, [ah hem, Americans], STAND back in the light of natural. The artificiality has been glaring and truly brighter than the sun sometimes it seems.

Scared into terrorized blubbering piles of protoplasm, are we -- small energetic pupils. Eyes wide open with lids shut tight as slammed six inch thick iron doors. No seeing in or out.

When the world turns and it has, there’s a new shift in consciousness, which there is.

The Middle East got taken over by very old families of the western hemisphere, from the tribe that called, and perhaps continues to label itself: Anglo-Saxon.

This story is a very simple form, from an artist that didn’t choose to write for very specific reasons and chose-choose in what feels deep reality, to only form the spirits of animals into fine beautiful reflections of the joy in earth living. I am a sculptor in my trade primarily.

But here I am. Reflecting in the memories washing in the tides of time. However, no amount of words seem to completely satisfy my visual and tactile human powers fully.

Time moving like a raging chaotic uncontrollable storm, unkind-deliberate-cruel-unjust-deadly.

Time controlled by a few, that have decided AN imagination of ONLY this defined small collective of devil-dressing, hiring global devil-do whatever moves in the vile ideologies of killing, CAN-DO. Very sick the controllers of what is imagined to be ‘time’ and ‘life’ and ‘death’, AND,

Money shows up as a tool and religion too. Equipment necessary for the freedom of thinking stuff to be burdened down into the lower form of no real thought when yoked with superstition or worse, blank slate for whatever unseen can use the zombie?

Money is digital unit exchange and the power to kill every man-woman-child in earth. War is the tool of money and the equipment of the worst imaginable monsters to control every element known in earth.

Imaginations made this stuff up, money and war, Et Cetera! Imaginations believe it to be true, too, and worship the most vile evil behavior - as though there is no other choice.

Brainwashing countless numbers of poor human beings into living in the opposite of truth.

A paradigm shift happened also in the Middle East and it isn’t the oil, or money that has been changed, it’s the spirit has reawakened.

Let’s hope armed to the teeth nuclear winter wet dream hot and cold war Israel Houses of Rothschilds-Rockefellers-EtAl, doesn’t wipe out ~ the, at long last, silk road back to the future.

HEALING. This art form is greater than all the ‘culture’ of whatever form can be imagined and take spirit into writing, visual art, musical, or ?  HEALING is an art where first the spirit in our deepest inner form is formed so our outer form is in balance with the art of life.

How to co-create our new reality? to be continued

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